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Sunday, 6 January 2013

Getting a mortgage - part 3 (slaying the system)

Good grief!  I'm up before the children!  Can't stop thinking about stuff to do with the move, and it won't be long until they're up, so I'll put these few minutes to good use, and finish the saga of the mortgage...

'Twas New Year's Eve, and even though the Nationwide had promised to call us the day before to give us our final offer of a mortgage, they strangely hadn't... 

We had asked for a mortgage, and told them we needed to get a move on on the 9th of December.  We had been given a lot of pie crust promises that it would be arranged soon...

So Kenny donned his protective mantel (also known as a dresssing gown), took up his sword (phone), and sat himself down in his throne of power (kitchen chair), to do battle with the system.  Here's a picture of him when he grew silly moustaches for Movember.  He's a bit of a hero in this house.

He called the Nationwide.  They claimed we hadn't sent them the right paperwork.  Hmm.  They claimed they needed more information, but he argued that they had had plenty of time to ask for that.  They told him that something was wrong with the system and they would get it sorted out and call back.  He said 'no'.

He refused to get off the 'phone until they sorted it out.

They spluttered, they promised to call back, they claimed they would need a manager and there weren't any available.  He remained polite, if somewhat incredulous.  He refused to get off the 'phone.  Somehow they managed to sort out the IT system, somehow they managed to find a manager, somehow they managed to get our application on the sytem.  They managed to put all our financial details in wrong, and told him they couldn't offer us the mortgage we needed because his earnings had gone down.

He didn't swear, and he didn't shout.  He talked them through what the right details were and refused to get off the 'phone.  They managed to get our details on the system right, and they told him they were sending him a formal offer letter for the whole amount.  He asked for an emailed copy to be sent to him and a copy to be faxed to the solicitor.  They complied, which was just about when the batteries ran out on the 'phone!


We put the 'phone on to charge and checked the email.  They'd only sent us a loan offer for the wrong amount!  Luckily we had another phone, and once more, Kenny took up his sword and sat upon his throne of power.  Once more he corrected the financial details they had on the system wrong.  Once more he refused to get off the 'phone.  Once more, the Nationwide apologised.  They sent out an offer for the right amount, and copied it as needed.  Kenny had slain the system!  Here's another guy slaying the Jaberwocky.  He's got good hair, huh?

Victory (part 2)!

We did talk a little bit about the complaint we had submitted, and the appalling admin at Nationwide.  We questioned why we should have to pay an admin fee to set up this mortgage, considering the trouble we'd been through.  They explained that if we looked we would see it wasn't an admin fee - the admin is free (for some reason).  It's a booking fee.  So that's completely different then!

Anyway, we have a proper mortgage offer, so we can get on with buying the house!  The solicitor was back at work in the new year, and she swung straight into action.  First thing on the 3rd we had an email from her with the draft letter to the sellers.  We gave the go ahead, and popped in to see her with the ID and everything, and we are go!

We're hoping to get the keys on the 24th.  Fingers crossed!

How have you got on with getting a mortgage?  Are all the companies like the Nationwide was with us?  Something tells me we are not alone!

Next time I'll tell you about our latest visit to the house.  We have some very excited people here!


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